Every Mother Blessing is different, you get to choose the elements that are important to you. I will work with you to create something that feels right for you.
Here are some common activities during a Mother’s Blessing Ceremony that you could include in your ceremony:
- The act of lighting a candle is a powerful way of signifying the start of the ceremony. As we gather in a circle, the mother to be lights a candle and shares her name and takes a moment to reflect on her own lineage and all of the mothers that have birthed before her. Then, each of her guests take it in turn to light their candle from her flame and to introduce themselves, how they know her and to also take a moment to reflect on their own lineage.
- Each guest is invited to bring an object of significance or something from nature to add to the centre alter.
- We share words that uplift and empower: poems, readings, words of wisdom, positive birth and postnatal stories.
- Bead giving: each guest is asked to bring along a bead to be included on the birthing necklace. Each bead represents the guests wishes, love and support for the mother and baby in labour and birth. During the ceremony the beads are strung together, and gifted to the mother to be which can then be worn or hung within the birthing space.
- Flower Crown: each guest is asked to bring a flower and it is weaved in to make a flower crown that can be worn by the mother to be.
- Blessing Candle: each guest will be gifted a candle to take home with them at the end of the ceremony, which they will light when labour begins. They can leave the candle to burn throughout the duration of labour, sending their collective well wishes, strength and love for both mother and baby.
- Foot soak: placing the feet in a bowl with salts, herbs and flowers.
- Belly painting: a chance to honour and celebrate her body as it nurtures her baby.
- Massage: head, hands, shoulders or feet.
- Belly cast (or belly cast painting if the cast has already been made).
- Create birthing affirmations together.
- Guests can make promises of support post birth (for example providing a freezer meal for you).
We close the celebration with a ritual of tying of the red thread. A ball of red yarn or string is passed around the circle and each guest wraps it around their wrist a few times. This stays in place until after the baby is born, helping to keep both mother and baby in mind.
Within the circle this creates a visual web of connection and support that joins all the women together, representing the lineage of ancestors that came before them, that reaches through pregnancy, birth and beyond.
The ceremony can end with a Birth Blessing Poem.
To end the celebration, everyone enjoys some nourishing food together. Each guest can bring a dish or afternoon tea or catering can be organised (at additional cost).