These general guidelines will give you a starting point for your postnatal recovery – but please remember we are all unique and one size does not fit all!
The best thing you can do is rest and listen to your body.
Please also remember that there is A LOT of healing going on that you won’t be able to see for the first 6/8 weeks. The wound in your uterus will be healing from where the placenta was attached and your uterus will be slowly shrinking back down to its original size – amazing! Your pelvic floor has been supporting the extra weight of the uterus for 12 months and will need lots of attention and love.
0-3 weeks postnatal
– Gentle pelvic floor exercises, at this point it may just feel as if you are trying to connect back in with them. Only do them about 3/10 in strength.
– Gentle, short walks.
3-8 weeks postnatal
– It is recommended that you wait until your 6 week check before starting a group postnatal exercise programme (8 weeks for abdominal births).
– Walking
– Swimming (once bleeding has stopped)
– Pelvic floor exercises
8-12 weeks postnatal
– Following the guidelines for 3-8 weeks but gradually increasing your intensity and weights.
12-16 weeks postnatal
– Consider visiting a physiotherapist for a postnatal abdominal muscle check and pelvic floor muscle testing before returning to high-impact exercise, running or abdominal exercising programs.
– If you experience any heaviness in the pelvic floor or backache after exercising then take a one or two week break and focus on pelvic floor exercises.After 16 weeks postnatal
– You can return to previous activity levels provided your pelvic floor muscles have returned to normal and you are not experiencing any back pain, vaginal heaviness or urine loss after or during exercise. Seek further advice from a health professional is symptoms persist.